
orriginal nancy drew and hardy boys books on a shelf

The Book Nook

  • Emily 

What do you do in your home to make reading feel available, accessible and inviting to your kids? In our house, its all about the spaces.

books by inga moore

Six Dinner Sid, Captain Cat, A House in the Woods: Inga Moore

  • Emily 

At the start of first grade, E8’s teacher made a comment that has stuck with me “Everyone can read. You can read the words, you can read the pictures, you can read both. Its all reading.” Inga Moore embodies this in her books–the words are clever, and the pictures just as entertaining–have you ever seen a cat smirk?

book: the elements

The Elements

  • Emily 

The Elements by Theodore Gray is a visual introduction to the concept of elements and the periodic table. Loved by E8, E5 and most adults enjoy it too.

book: four famished foxes and fosdyke

Four Famished Foxes and Fosdyke

  • Emily 

Announcing: All Alliteration Aficionados, Assemble! This highly entertaining story has excellent and entertaining vocabulary, focused fully on “F”.

book: who knew physicis

Who Knew? Physics

  • Emily 

My 8-year old (E8) is especially drawn to factoids and “amazing but true” type knowledge these days. “Who Knew? Physics” by James Lees is right up his alley.

Book the Word Collector

The Word Collector

  • Emily 

A charming book about Jerome, a boy who loves words and finds a way to share them with the world