Announcing: All Alliteration Aficionados, Assemble! Four Famished Foxes and Fosdyke by Pamela Duncan Edwards is a fast favorite in our house. It tells the entertaining story of four young foxes, left with fox Fosdyke while their mother takes a vacation. The story is entertaining–both E5 and E8 love it–but what really draws me to this book is the clever vocabulary.
Sometimes alliteration can be a little bit painful to read, but Ms. Edwards has made it Fun. It makes for a brilliant read-aloud–and is really a good one when you’re working with a pre-reader on learning to hear the sounds of different letters.
Mama fox heads off off to Florida on the first page, and the rest of the story tells the entertaining struggles of the the young foxes face as the try to find their next meal from the local hen house.

Fosdyke is ready with fine food every time the the young foxes return home, but the young foxes are determined to succeed on their quest–can the little foxes hold out?
Four Famished Foxes and Fosdyke is a great read-aloud for pre-readers and early readers, but really a fun book for all ages. And absolutely on my go-to list of books for gifts in the 4-6 year old range, it would also be an excellent gift-to-the-classroom book for K-1.
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