Toy Maintenance

building with rainbows wooden toys

Toy Storage

You now have all these beautiful, open-ended and loose-parts toys. But thats it exactly–they’re on the loose. How do you contain them while keeping them accessible? We keep ours visible and available for easy play access.

ostheimer daughter 2 painted orange and green

Repainting Figures

  • Emily 

I’ve had a little bit of fun repainting figures–a tree that arrived in a color that didn’t suit us and a couple of Ostheimer friends. I’ve linked the Materials we used at the end of the post (click on the product images).

grapat rainbow tompten outside

Cleaning Wooden Toys

  • Emily 

All toys need to be cleaned at some point, but wooden toys cannot be run through the dishwasher or scrubbed with solvents. Is the solution to keep them inside? No–if anything they’re more alive than ever outside. One simply needs a reliable way to clean them.

broken wooden toy

How to Fix a Break in a Wood Toy

How many times have you thrown out a plastic toy because it broke, the plastic deformed and it couldn’t be repaired? From both and eco-friendly perspective, and an economical-perspective, it is wonderful that most broken wood toys can be repaired to as-strong-as new. But how do you do it?