
Open ended toys for adults, toys for memory patients

Adults Need to Play too

  • Emily 

Socks, sweaters, books and picture frames are all very well when you’re planning gifts for adults, but wouldn’t you rather open a package and find a beautifully made toy? Imagine bringing that glee to your friends and parents! Open-ended toys are magic here–most of the toys children love are magic for adults too.

open ended toys - small world play

Open Ended Toys: Where To Start?

One of the most important things to look at is whether a toy allows the child to imagine, or if the toy does all the work itsef. When the toy takes over, children don’t learn and explore. A toy that is open-ended may look like one thing (a rainbow) but it can be used many ways to represent different things (a building, a bridge, a bed) and most of all, it enhances the child’s ideas and imagination, letting them build and learn in their own world.

grapat rainbow tomten in daisies and dandelion

Why Open-Ended Toys? Are my Kids the right age?

  • Emily 

We’ve always loved blocks and got our first sets of Grimms blocks when the kids were 3/newborn, and for years they’ve been loved and played with. In the last couple of years, we’ve added loose parts, peg people, and some wooden figures.